China Is A Dystopian Hellhole: A Critique

Mainland Chinese are some of the least competent hiveminded humanoids on earth. I don’t call them human because they don’t act human and treat human life like garbage.

Study: Rural Chinese score 88.95 on the Raven’s non-verbal IQ test, over one standard deviation lower than the commonly cited Chinese IQ of 105. Study also finds that IQ was a better predictor of math achievement than all environmental and demographic variables. So, the theory that Chinese average IQ is overinflated due to biased sampling turned out to be true.


In some parts of China you must scan your face to take a shit, take the bus, etc. The social credit system has the full power to shut you out of society if you don’t tow the CCP party line. There are mandatory nucleic acid tests where you have to stand in line for hours to complete them due to the CCP’s pathological neuroses over viral infections. The work hours make slavery look like a vacation. 16 hours, 6 days a week school days starting at middle school where half your education is indoctrination to the party.

“The Great Firewall of China”, where the internet is heavily policed and most websites are blocked. You must use your ID to do anything social online. Freedom of speech on life support. Chinese infrastructure was built so quickly that fire-hydrants are little more than decorations, “Cement” foundations aren’t given time to settle into the ground so cracks will form up the buildings, pipes will leak, electrical installations will snap apart, buildings will topple the fuck over killing everyone inside. There are no zoning laws, so one day you could be living in your state owned property breathing mildly polluted air and the next day a nuclear silo running on coal springs up next your house and you never see sunlight again.

The laws are so opaque that police can put you in jail for years over trivial bullshit if they want. More surveillance cameras than people. It is as close to 1984 as you can get.

What you see in China that looks like a civilized high-tech first world society is just that, the appearance of something. They build tall buildings with flashy lights and no plumbing. They build escalators that eat people instead of taking them to the next floor. People who drive there don’t know how to use the brake pedal. They weld people into their apartments to try to control a cold virus and the people burn to death when the building catches on fire. They collect oil out of the sewer and use it to cook food that they feed each other. They build entire cities where nobody lives and the cities disintegrate after just a few years because the construction is so shoddy. They have to import food because their soil is so full of toxins that they dump into the environment after manufacturing worthless plastic crap. They kidnap girls and turn them into sex slaves for the village because they have so many extra men because they abort females or stick them on piles of dying female babies because of their stupid backwards culture. They destroy thousands of years of culture and tradition because they think it will bring about their retarded communist delusions. They hunt animals to extinction just to harvest body parts like fins and penises for their stupid superstitious nonsense. They decimate fish populations in the ocean with their retarded and extremely destructive and wasteful fishing practices. They hoard ridiculous amounts of food that goes to waste and watch their neighbors starve. The are the purveyors of cheap unregulated, often dangerous products created off the back of virtual slave labour or at the very least far substandard working conditions that has a notoriously bad reputation around the world.

Culture and epigenetics of pervading fear, slave-mindset and passivity

A culture of paralysing fear and passivity across China means incidents of crime often go unchallenged by bystanders out of a fear of being penalised for their connection to an incident. If you call the ambulance for someone injured then you as the caller are expected to pay for the ambulance, which serves to dissuade people helping. Keep in mind that for many centuries China was raped, enslaved, and subject to a huge turnover of massacres and abject barbarity. Its people are epigenetically accustomed to slavery and compliance.

If you look into China you will find nothing but horror and evil and barbarism and backwardness that you wouldn’t think is possible in the past 5000 years.

Low trust society

Chinese society is a “low-trust” society where gooks constantly try to “out-kike” each other. Chinese people are obsessed with money and materialism and will throw their fellow man under the bus if it means getting ahead in life.

This mentality undermines the CCP attempts at making China a global superpower.

It’s not a model country by any stretch.

If you think these insects have the ability to successfully self-govern you are deluded. They can’t even make baby formula without putting poison in it.


  • Mao sees birds eat grains
  • He tells 1 billion chinese to kill all the birds in China so that the birds won’t eat their grains anymore
  • 1 billion chinese kill all the birds in China
  • With no more birds, the insect population explodes in China
  • The insects eat all the grains
  • 45 million chinese starve to death >
  • Mao needs steel to make buildings
  • He tells 1 billion chinese to stop farming and working, and instead to melt down all their metal to produce steel
  • 1 billion chinese gather every single piece of metal in sight, including farming tools, pots, and pans
  • 1 billion chinese chop down every single tree in sight to fuel the furnaces, and even tear down their houses to provide more wood
  • In the end, 1 billion chinese produce millions of tons of useless pig iron that is completely unusable
  • 1 billion chinese now have no homes to live in, no tools to use for farming, no pots to cook food, no wood to heat the pots,
  • And no food to eat in China.
  • Mao wants to be like the west and have cars
  • China doesn’t have the industry to make cars for everyone
  • He tells 1 billion chinks that he will “upgrade” their horse drawn wagons
  • “Upgrades” their wagons by replacing their wooden wheels with steel wheels. like cars have!
  • Steel wheels end up sinking into the mud and were too heavy for horses to pull
  • In the end, thousands of useless wagons were constructed or retrofitted that were completely unusable

Bad infrastructure:

Bad materials:

China bribes everyone:

Chinese powder from dead babies found in S.Korea:

China has secret police stations in many countries around the world:

The chinese are SWILL (Gutter) OIL ADDICTS:

Chinks still practice whaling despite outlawing it. Arrests happen only when there is enough public outrage against the CCP:


Is there any interesting counter culture in China right now? Musically or artistically?
I legitimately tried to find it.
I haven’t found it.
The hivemind is so bad it’s scary
You have no idea
Creativity is destroyed here.
Only CCP indoctrinated answers and keeping face are the norm
You’ll NEVER get a semblance of conversation until you friend a chink over a looooong period of time.
That goes for chink on chink interactions as well.

Military achievements?

  • China’s entire army loses to 5 British ships
  • China’s entire army loses to mongols despite having 10,000 times the population
  • China loses to Vietnam 15 times in a row, the last time being after the Vietnamese just beat the American’s two weeks prior and ran out the Chinks in 2 weeks
  • China hasn’t won a war in 500 years despite having the biggest army on earth

The China whitepill:

  • China’s population will be reduced to 50% in 50 years or so.
  • This is due to CCP’s retarded 1 child policy, which was in effect for 35 years.
  • 2.1 births per woman is needed to KEEP a country’s population maintained.
  • China had 0.9 for 35 years, with a huge preference for keeping boys (people were tossing newborn baby girls into buckets of water) so the problem only got worse over time. more and more boys for every girl.
  • Retarded CCP has finally lifted the limit on how many kids you may have. Going above 2 kids was only allowed after 2021.
  • But the ingrained culture in China is still to only have 1 child per family. people don’t want more than 1 kid because society is built around having exactly one.
  • ignoring chinese statistics (all lies) logic concludes that China will halve in population. Good luck being the world’s factory then, not to mention the world’s eminent superpower.

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