Whites Are A Shrinking Global Minority; Future Implications For The World

It’s not 30%.

It’s not 20%

It’s not even 10%

White Europeans represent a dwindling 9% of the world population, and that number is plummeting.

This is not just across a global aggregate, but they compose a shrinking proportion of the population in their own nations.

Elon Musk has numerously tweeted on X (formerly Twitter) that “population collapse due to low (white) birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming, [and therefore for people to] mark these words.”

Of course, Musk is almost certainly aware that the global population, as a whole, is currently growing and that below replacement rate births only affect certain countries.

Therefore, Musk is probably deliberately omitting his true reference to white births declining – in order to remain ostensibly politically correct. Musk knows that if the white nations (the bastion and guardians of world stability) succumb, the rest of the world, and the supply chain will collapse at the hands of the less capable and less ethical races with atrocious track records on human rights, environmental responsibility, and peacekeeping – and, worse yet, with irresponsible access to devastating white-invented technologies, such as nuclear weapons.

Musk fears a massive regression to the warring and divided past or even human extinction, hence his strong interest in beginning an off-world colony on Mars and in the potential of A.I. to (hopefully) rapidly put human affairs in good order.

“Assuming there is a benevolent future with AI, I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse.”

Elon Musk at an AI conference, August 2019

Developed and highly intelligent nations at risk of extinction

Musk urged Italians and the people of other industrialised countries to have more children “or the culture of Italy, Japan and France will disappear.” Notice how he is not referring to the billion+ Chinese (whom are currently experiencing a decline in births)?

Musk told the Arteju political festival in Rome that immigration cannot solve the demographic problem that many major economic powers, such as Italy and Japan are facing. Why? External immigration will not bolster or enhance; it will replace the qualities of an existing developed race with the qualities of a lesser and undeveloped one.

“We are in danger of no longer having these countries,” he said.

“My advice to all government leaders and people is: make sure you have children to create a new generation.”

Musk has also criticised Ireland’s Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, claiming that he (Varadkar) “hates the Irish people,” after the Taoiseach revealed new legislation to crack down on hate speech after violent anti-immigrant rioting in Dublin in 2023.

Fact: Whites are the true minority; not blacks, hispanics, or asians. The terminology of ethnic “minorities” should always come with the added caveat of “in white countries, not globally”.

White achievement is unimaginably big; yet the white population is relatively small

One reason that whites aren’t considered a minority group is because the focus is that “The World Is Only West.” White achievements and globalised white products speak louder and bigger than the white populace itself.

Talented white people are in film, TV, music, sport, culture, art, and headlining politics more than other races are; creating an overrepresentation-bias-effect that gives the impression white people are more “omnipresent” than is actually the case – the coloured many are quiet, almost silent, in the artistic, ethical, political, cultural, and economic realms (the USA has a relatively small population of 331 million and is still the world’s number one economy). The coloured masses’ swelling numbers therefore go unnoticed and without due acknowledgement. But they will voraciously consume regardless, and they will advocate for themselves and desire to occupy and acquire white countries and white resources at the expense of white (and therefore humanity’s) interests. The coloured many are only capable of short to medium term thinking individually and as nation states; the white minority are the only long-term thinkers on the planet – humanity’s collective best shot at sorting itself out.

When restructuring the world order, monied whites in the West are going to be the most reluctant to give up their wealth, status, and privileges, and are most capable of seriously resisting and overturning any imposed changes. The global elite are well aware of this, and have devised a multi-racial population-replacement strategy (Kalergi) to usher in a new world order – it is something called the totalitarian tiptoe, and amounts to death by a thousand cuts. Whites manifest the cultural capital of the present global order, remove that and you enable a “Great Reset”.

Ever hear about the Barbary slave trade in schools? No? Where Whites were traded in larger numbers and greater brutality than the West African slave trade? No?

Global demographics for human posterity; the African surge, a disruptive tidal wave

For most of human history, our population grew at a crawl: Between 10,000 BCE and 1700 CE, the world’s population grew at a rate of just 0.04 percent annually. At one point in our prehistory, the human population might have dropped as low as a few thousand people. But since the industrial revolution and the advent of modern science, that has all changed:

According to the most recent demographic statistics, 1.4 billion African people live on planet Earth. Fueled by a combination of falling mortality and some of the highest birth rates in the world, Africa’s total population has increased tenfold and now stands at over ~1.4 billion.

The United Nations projects that by 2050, Africa’s population will reach close to 2.5 billion. Such a figure would mean that more than 25 percent of the world’s population will be African. Its population growth will slow thereafter, but Africa will remain by far the largest source of growth globally: its share of the world’s population is set to reach close to 40 percent by the end of the century.

The population in sub-Saharan Africa will almost double from 1.2 billion in 2022 to just under 2.1 billion in 2050. In the same period, India’s population will grow by over 250 million to overtake China’s as the largest in the world.

Matt Reynolds, Wired

The World Economic Forum (WEF) Summit’s “Walthamstow Tapestry”

It began when journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the annual globalist confab and infiltrated a conference room full of elites talking about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The tapestry, by Turner prize winning English artist Sir Grayson Perry, begins with the birth of a baby along a river of blood that eventually flows into the waiting mouth of the Devil, ending in the death of an old man. Branded baubles like designer handbags become tawdry keystones marking the passage from cradle to grave. It is a contemporary epic warning about the dangers of consumerism.

In Grayson’s tapestry, many of the world’s leading names, from luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Tiffany to high street giants such as Marks and Spencer and IKEA, come under Perry’s excoriating gaze in this cautionary and prophetic tale of modern day life.

The tapestry explores humanity’s quasi-religious relationship to consumerism, which aligns fittingly with the WEF’s focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and its goal to control human proliferation – and restructure the world order to permanently control the flow of goods and services and just about every other facet of human life – and therefore the entirety of human carbon-based life as we know it.

The 2024 (World Economic Forum) WEF conference in Davos displayed the Walthamstow Tapestry (partially pictured here), a piece of art by Grayson Perry depicting modern consumerism. The WEF is responsible for the curtailment of human carbon by pushing for a global carbon tax through the coordination of global corporations and major capital interests. See this link for the full tapestry.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is interested in steering global affairs internationally, utilising a top-down approach. The goal is to introduce a carbon tax to price people out of having children, bring the human population under 500 million, and to responsibly (or “wisely”) introduce eugenics; and thus guide sensible reproduction into human posterity. To do this, the WEF draws on the involvement of 100 governments, all major international organizations, 1,000 Forum’s Partners, as well as civil society leaders, experts, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets.

Time for pruning the human carbon mass?

Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. Without going into details as yet undiscovered, this means humanity should apply reason and knowledge to guiding its own reproduction.

The Georgia Guidestones (now destroyed)

The WEF foundation’s stated mission is “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”. The Forum states that the world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations (CSOs), which it expresses through initiatives like the “Great Reset” and the “Global Redesign”.

Ultimately, the WEF acknowledges chaos and uncertainty in the world, as unrestrained populations surge and conflict flashpoints fester in an unstable atomic age – (they believe) that this calls for a sensible approach to guiding human affairs into a more sustainable future. A renaissance in how we think and live. Even if you agree with their premise, would the practical outcome be effective, or tyrannical?

To do this humanity will need to reliquish its individuality in terms of private property and to reliquish its unbridled access to individual reproductive rights.

This monumental change, the biggest of its kind in human history, will be resisted by the great many, which calls for the need for some degree of relative secrecy, which it (the WEF and its fellow organisations) discretionally maintains.

To effectively implement these changes people will need to be gradually stripped of their individual rights, deprived of their access to resources and income via inflationary warfare and carbon taxes, estranged from their ethnic, family, and national identities in cultural sabotage, and even killed or suppressed in world-disrupting psyops like false flag pandemics, false flag EMP grid outages, and phony wars, among other soft and hard strategies to decisively hamper human reproduction and activity and usher in a complete reset. The ride will be bumpy.

The infamous Covid-19 pandemic was a global trial on quarantining and curtailing human activity and life; not quarantining a disease. Instead, the disease was, in fact, humanity itself.

The 2022 WEF Forum was marked by the absence of a Russian delegation for the first time since 1991, which The Wall Street Journal described as signalling the “unraveling of globalization.” Will the aspirations of the global elite holdfast into the next few decades and beyond?

JFK & African Independence

Another overlooked factor in JFK’s notorious assassination in 1963 was his advocacy and support for African independence against the post-colonial power structures still present on the African continent under the guise of private corporations (The East India Company was a “private” corporation and spearheaded colonialism in India, for example). The CIA acted independently of the President, instead favouring the interests of private money, this was one of the biggest points of friction faced by JFK during his presidency; a deadly, cold-blooded rogue institution.

Susan Williams in her book White Malice shows how the CIA plotted with businesspeople who stood to benefit from pro-Western African governments in both the Congo and Ghana.

Despairing of the CIA’s disproportionate influence, John F. Kennedy famously described his desire to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds,” much to his peril.

JFK’s presidency emerged during a critical period in history; The decolonisation of Africa, some number of decades after the “Scramble for Africa”. This was a process that took place in the mid-to-late 1950s to 1975 during the Cold War, with radical government changes on the continent as colonial governments made the transition to independent states. The “transition” of course, was largely a bluff, and colonial powers sought to retain de facto control over their former possessions in all but name. JFK stood in the way of this by supporting real independence and self-determination for the African states.

JFK had fostered close relations with African leaders during a wave of independence across the African continent, as colonial powers relinquished territories to fledgling democracies.

Kennedy’s interest in ending colonialism and supporting the struggle for self-determination, which first attracted national attention in the 1950s as a result of his speeches attacking French colonialism in Vietnam and Algeria, extended as well to the struggles for independence in sub-Saharan Africa. In 1958, the State Department first established a Bureau of African Affairs and the following year, Kennedy became chairman of the African Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

During the 1960 campaign Kennedy repeatedly faulted the Eisenhower administration for neglecting “the needs and aspirations of the African people” and stressed that the U.S. should be on the side of anti-colonialism and self-determination. Kennedy learned during that campaign summer that a group of Kenyan students who had won scholarships to study at American universities were unable to raise the funds to cover their travel expenses to the U.S. When the Eisenhower administration refused to intervene, JFK arranged to have the Kennedy family foundation underwrite their travel. The airlift received a great deal of national and international attention.

President Kennedy recognized, in the ever-present context of Cold War politics, that Africa was on the cusp of a historic revolution; if the U.S. continued to side with the colonialists there was no doubt which side would be chosen by the Soviet Union. Kennedy was particularly careful about selecting skilled and open-minded ambassadors to the newly emerging independent African states and made a special effort to personally meet with them during their periodic consultations at the State Department.

Unfortunately, Kennedy’s somewhat idealistic notions about Africa’s potential for democracy soon came into direct conflict with the Soviet Union’s effort to expand its influence throughout the African continent. The Congo had become independent from Belgium in 1960 and was almost immediately torn apart by what President Kennedy described as “civil strife, political unrest and public disorder.” Former Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba had been murdered early in 1961 despite the presence of a United Nations peacekeeping force; Moïse Tshombe, leader of Katanga Province, declared its independence from the Congo and the Soviet Union responded by sending weapons and technicians to underwrite their struggle. Khrushchev even charged that the U.N. had been involved in Lumumba’s murder and was covertly trying to prop up Africa’s dying colonial regimes. The bloody struggle, exacerbated by Cold War tensions and the 1961 death of U.N. secretary general Dag Hammarskjöld in a Congo plane crash, continued well into the 1960s.

JFK also employed very effective personal diplomacy, inviting more than two-dozen African leaders to the White House during his brief presidency. In each case, Kennedy made clear that he was committed to African nationalism and independence. He repeatedly surprised many of his African visitors by declaring that he understood their professed need to remain neutral in the Cold War. He also expressed the hope that the United States would eventually win them over by example, rather than by words alone.

On 13 February 1961, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Adlai Stevenson called president Kennedy to report Lumumba’s assassination. The above photo was taken at the moment JFK received the news.

The independence of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is widely considered to be the richest country in the world regarding natural resources; its untapped deposits of raw minerals are estimated to be worth in excess of U.S. $24 trillion.

Belgium set 30 June 1960 as the date of independence for its colony Congo, and national elections for May 1960. Patrice Lumumba’s party won the election and formed the new government with Lumumba as the Congo’s first prime minister, and Joseph Kasavubu as the first president. Yet, dark schemes were afoot in Brussels to deprive the new African state from its independence, its wealth, and its very survival. The CIA arranged for a coup against Lumumba by Congo’s Army Chief of Staff, Colonel Mobutu in September 1960.

On 17 January 1960, Lumumba was assured by two Congolese leaders he trusted that he could return safely to his position as prime minister in Leopoldville. But it was a trick, and he and two other officers were tortured on a five-hour flight to Katanga Province where they were brutalized more and then executed.

Lumumba’s assassination is remembered today as one of the low points of the early years of African independence, but a lacking documentary record has allowed partisan investigators to minimize the CIA’s role. It’s a failure of accountability that has allowed the agency to appear blameless while reinforcing a fatalistic view of African history, as if the murder of an elected official was merely another terrible thing that “just happened” to a people utterly unprepared for the challenge of independence.

But, as Williams shows, the CIA was actually one of the chief architects of the plot. Only days after Lumumba’s visit to Ghana, Larry Devlin, the agency’s leading man in the Congo, warned his bosses of a vague takeover plot involving the Soviets, Ghanaians, Guineans, and the local Communist Party. It was “difficult [to] determine major influencing factors,” he said. Despite a complete lack of evidence, he was certain the “decisive period” when the Congo would align itself with the Soviet Union was “not far off.” Soon after, President Dwight D. Eisenhower verbally ordered the CIA to assassinate Lumumba.

The CIA’s agents did not, in the end, man the firing squad to kill Lumumba. But as Williams makes clear, that distinction is minor when one considers everything else the agency did to assist in the murder. After inventing and disseminating the bogus conspiracy plot of a pro-Soviet takeover, the CIA leveraged its multitude of sources in Katanga to provide intelligence to Lumumba’s enemies, making his capture possible. They helped to deliver him to the Katanga prison where he was held before his execution. Williams even cites a few lines from a recently declassified CIA expense report to show that Devlin, the station chief, ordered one of his agents to visit the prison not long before the bullets were fired.

The CIA’s destabilising influence altogether “contributed to the objective of keeping the whole of the Congo under America’s influence and guarding the Shinkolobwe mine against Soviet incursion.” Perpetuating a policy of neocolonialism against foreign major powers who, too, vied for control over the African continent.

Mulumba being apprehended.

IQ Experts Pessimistic About Effects of Migration on Europe’s Genetic Future

Richard Lynn, English psychologist and author in 2007 stated that he was pessimistic regarding the future of Western societies in particular due to the dysgenic effects of the large scale mass immigration to Western countries. Stating that before the end of 21st century White populations will become minorities in their own countries if current trends continue.

“Yet this huge demographic catastrophe has been barely noticed by the media, and anyone who mentions it is considered as a “far right racist”.”

He even went as far as stating that:

“I believe the best hope for the future of civilization lies with the Chinese and Japanese. They have not been infected with the virus of Political Correctness, and they are not admitting large numbers of immigrants. They have low fertility but this is not too much of a problem for the present and can probably be corrected in the future by paying people to have children. These are highly intelligent peoples and will probably carry the torch of civilization when it is extinguished in the United States, Canada, and Europe.”

The IQ researcher Helmuth Nyborg wrote in 2012 that:

The bleak situation is characteristic of the rest of Europe too, perhaps with Eastern Europe as an exception. […] Ethnic Europeans will soon be wiped out of their own countries by this ever-expanding colossal demographic transition. Their national average IQs go down in the process, and when an average national IQ of 90 is reached, down go also their democracies and welfare. This also happens to European-Americans in the US. […] To sum up, not only Denmark but Europe and the US get dumber by internal dysgenic decay and by northbound mass-immigration. This will have catastrophic consequences for Western democracy and welfare, but non-Western countries will also suffer. Unfortunately, most ruling (left- or right-oriented) Western leaders are not only seriously misguided by the illusion of equality but also blatantly ignorant of biological realities, so they can’t see the elephant in the room. They eventually will, but that will be beyond the point of no return.”[54]

From Metapedia.
