Whites Are A Shrinking Global Minority; Future Implications For The World

It’s not 30%.

It’s not 20%

It’s not even 10%

White Europeans represent a dwindling 9% of the world population, and that number is plummeting.

This is not just across a global aggregate, but they compose a shrinking proportion of the population in their own nations.

Elon Musk has numerously tweeted on X (formerly Twitter) that “population collapse due to low (white) birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming, [and therefore for people to] mark these words.”

Of course, Musk is almost certainly aware that the global population, as a whole, is currently growing and that below replacement rate births only affect certain countries.

Therefore, Musk is probably deliberately omitting his true reference to white births declining – in order to remain ostensibly politically correct. Musk knows that if the white nations (the bastion and guardians of world stability) succumb, the rest of the world, and the supply chain will collapse at the hands of the less capable and less ethical races with atrocious track records on human rights, environmental responsibility, and peacekeeping – and, worse yet, with irresponsible access to devastating white-invented technologies, such as nuclear weapons.

Musk fears a massive regression to the warring and divided past or even human extinction, hence his strong interest in beginning an off-world colony on Mars and in the potential of A.I. to (hopefully) rapidly put human affairs in good order.

“Assuming there is a benevolent future with AI, I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse.”

Elon Musk at an AI conference, August 2019

Developed and highly intelligent nations at risk of extinction

Musk urged Italians and the people of other industrialised countries to have more children “or the culture of Italy, Japan and France will disappear.” Notice how he is not referring to the billion+ Chinese (whom are currently experiencing a decline in births)?

Musk told the Arteju political festival in Rome that immigration cannot solve the demographic problem that many major economic powers, such as Italy and Japan are facing. Why? External immigration will not bolster or enhance; it will replace the qualities of an existing developed race with the qualities of a lesser and undeveloped one.

“We are in danger of no longer having these countries,” he said.

“My advice to all government leaders and people is: make sure you have children to create a new generation.”

Musk has also criticised Ireland’s Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, claiming that he (Varadkar) “hates the Irish people,” after the Taoiseach revealed new legislation to crack down on hate speech after violent anti-immigrant rioting in Dublin in 2023.

Fact: Whites are the true minority; not blacks, hispanics, or asians. The terminology of ethnic “minorities” should always come with the added caveat of “in white countries, not globally”.

White achievement is unimaginably big; yet the white population is relatively small

One reason that whites aren’t considered a minority group is because the focus is that “The World Is Only West.” White achievements and globalised white products speak louder and bigger than the white populace itself.

Talented white people are in film, TV, music, sport, culture, art, and headlining politics more than other races are; creating an overrepresentation-bias-effect that gives the impression white people are more “omnipresent” than is actually the case – the coloured many are quiet, almost silent, in the artistic, ethical, political, cultural, and economic realms (the USA has a relatively small population of 331 million and is still the world’s number one economy). The coloured masses’ swelling numbers therefore go unnoticed and without due acknowledgement. But they will voraciously consume regardless, and they will advocate for themselves and desire to occupy and acquire white countries and white resources at the expense of white (and therefore humanity’s) interests. The coloured many are only capable of short to medium term thinking individually and as nation states; the white minority are the only long-term thinkers on the planet – humanity’s collective best shot at sorting itself out.

When restructuring the world order, monied whites in the West are going to be the most reluctant to give up their wealth, status, and privileges, and are most capable of seriously resisting and overturning any imposed changes. The global elite are well aware of this, and have devised a multi-racial population-replacement strategy (Kalergi) to usher in a new world order – it is something called the totalitarian tiptoe, and amounts to death by a thousand cuts. Whites manifest the cultural capital of the present global order, remove that and you enable a “Great Reset”.

Ever hear about the Barbary slave trade in schools? No? Where Whites were traded in larger numbers and greater brutality than the West African slave trade? No?

Global demographics for human posterity; the African surge, a disruptive tidal wave

For most of human history, our population grew at a crawl: Between 10,000 BCE and 1700 CE, the world’s population grew at a rate of just 0.04 percent annually. At one point in our prehistory, the human population might have dropped as low as a few thousand people. But since the industrial revolution and the advent of modern science, that has all changed:

According to the most recent demographic statistics, 1.4 billion African people live on planet Earth. Fueled by a combination of falling mortality and some of the highest birth rates in the world, Africa’s total population has increased tenfold and now stands at over ~1.4 billion.

The United Nations projects that by 2050, Africa’s population will reach close to 2.5 billion. Such a figure would mean that more than 25 percent of the world’s population will be African. Its population growth will slow thereafter, but Africa will remain by far the largest source of growth globally: its share of the world’s population is set to reach close to 40 percent by the end of the century.

The population in sub-Saharan Africa will almost double from 1.2 billion in 2022 to just under 2.1 billion in 2050. In the same period, India’s population will grow by over 250 million to overtake China’s as the largest in the world.

Matt Reynolds, Wired

The World Economic Forum (WEF) Summit’s “Walthamstow Tapestry”

It began when journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the annual globalist confab and infiltrated a conference room full of elites talking about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The tapestry, by Turner prize winning English artist Sir Grayson Perry, begins with the birth of a baby along a river of blood that eventually flows into the waiting mouth of the Devil, ending in the death of an old man. Branded baubles like designer handbags become tawdry keystones marking the passage from cradle to grave. It is a contemporary epic warning about the dangers of consumerism.

In Grayson’s tapestry, many of the world’s leading names, from luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Tiffany to high street giants such as Marks and Spencer and IKEA, come under Perry’s excoriating gaze in this cautionary and prophetic tale of modern day life.

The tapestry explores humanity’s quasi-religious relationship to consumerism, which aligns fittingly with the WEF’s focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and its goal to control human proliferation – and restructure the world order to permanently control the flow of goods and services and just about every other facet of human life – and therefore the entirety of human carbon-based life as we know it.

The 2024 (World Economic Forum) WEF conference in Davos displayed the Walthamstow Tapestry (partially pictured here), a piece of art by Grayson Perry depicting modern consumerism. The WEF is responsible for the curtailment of human carbon by pushing for a global carbon tax through the coordination of global corporations and major capital interests. See this link for the full tapestry.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is interested in steering global affairs internationally, utilising a top-down approach. The goal is to introduce a carbon tax to price people out of having children, bring the human population under 500 million, and to responsibly (or “wisely”) introduce eugenics; and thus guide sensible reproduction into human posterity. To do this, the WEF draws on the involvement of 100 governments, all major international organizations, 1,000 Forum’s Partners, as well as civil society leaders, experts, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets.

Time for pruning the human carbon mass?

Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. Without going into details as yet undiscovered, this means humanity should apply reason and knowledge to guiding its own reproduction.

The Georgia Guidestones (now destroyed)

The WEF foundation’s stated mission is “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”. The Forum states that the world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations (CSOs), which it expresses through initiatives like the “Great Reset” and the “Global Redesign”.

Ultimately, the WEF acknowledges chaos and uncertainty in the world, as unrestrained populations surge and conflict flashpoints fester in an unstable atomic age – (they believe) that this calls for a sensible approach to guiding human affairs into a more sustainable future. A renaissance in how we think and live. Even if you agree with their premise, would the practical outcome be effective, or tyrannical?

To do this humanity will need to reliquish its individuality in terms of private property and to reliquish its unbridled access to individual reproductive rights.

This monumental change, the biggest of its kind in human history, will be resisted by the great many, which calls for the need for some degree of relative secrecy, which it (the WEF and its fellow organisations) discretionally maintains.

To effectively implement these changes people will need to be gradually stripped of their individual rights, deprived of their access to resources and income via inflationary warfare and carbon taxes, estranged from their ethnic, family, and national identities in cultural sabotage, and even killed or suppressed in world-disrupting psyops like false flag pandemics, false flag EMP grid outages, and phony wars, among other soft and hard strategies to decisively hamper human reproduction and activity and usher in a complete reset. The ride will be bumpy.

The infamous Covid-19 pandemic was a global trial on quarantining and curtailing human activity and life; not quarantining a disease. Instead, the disease was, in fact, humanity itself.

The 2022 WEF Forum was marked by the absence of a Russian delegation for the first time since 1991, which The Wall Street Journal described as signalling the “unraveling of globalization.” Will the aspirations of the global elite holdfast into the next few decades and beyond?

5G, Directed Energy Weapons, And The Impact Of Electromagnetic Frequencies On Human Biology

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

The synchronization of the brain hemispheres.

We must understand that the human body is an electromagnetic organism (see bioelectromagnetics) that depends on, and therefore is very sensitive to electromagnetic resonances. The low frequency Schumann resonances are the frequencies that humans are primarily adapted to.

Harmonious frequency plays a huge role in the proper function of the body (or, if disharmonious, its dysfunction). Synchronizing with natural rhythms and cycles, within and external to the body is important — exposure to resonances that the human body is not adapted to deal with will result in sub-optimal biological function.

The “ordinary” thought waves created by the human brain range from 14Hz to 40Hz. This range only includes certain types of dendrites belonging to brain cells, predominantly within the left (the more rational) hemisphere of the brain, which is the center of activity.

If the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized with each other at 8Hz, they work more harmoniously and with a maximum flow of information. In other words, the frequency of 8Hz seems to be the key to the full and sovereign activation potential of our brain. If this frequency is manipulated or lies outside of this harmonious range, the sovereign activation of the brain will become impaired.

Robert Monroe on Tesla’s entrainment principle.

Recent research regarding the mind-altering possibilities of Tesla’s entrainment principle have been undertaken by Robert Monroe, the founder of The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia.

A student of engineering and human physiology, Monroe’s interest in human consciousness began in 1956 when he set up a small research and development program in his New York based radio company. The research was initially designed to determine the feasibility of learning during sleep, but in 1958, an astonishing result emerged.

By experimenting with the effects of sonic frequencies on the brain, Monroe successfully isolated a little-known state of awareness which was totally separated from the physical body. The research team called it an Out-of-Body Experience or OBE ­ a term which has since become a generic description for many unexplainable mind states. The sonic principle he was using was already known to electronic engineers as binaural beat frequency modulation ­ a key concept used in all radio receivers today. However, it was Monroe who took this idea from the field of radio-electronics and applied it to bioelectronics. He called his discovery Hemispherical Synchronization, or HemiSync for short.

The Neural Radio.

To achieve these novel mind-states, Monroe recorded two channels of audio data using a stereo tape recorder. On one channel he recorded a frequency of 200 cps (cycles per second/Hz), and on the other channel he recorded a frequency of 208 cps. When he played the recording back through a pair of stereo headphones, what Monroe discovered was that while one ear heard the 200 cps tone, and the other ear heard the 208 tone, the brain interpreted the tones as an eight cps frequency, and began to entrain itself to that frequency. In other words, the brain could only distinguish the eight cps difference, and this frequency was powerful enough to entrain brainwaves.

Normally, the two hemispheres of the brain vibrate at different frequencies, but Monroe discovered that they could be easily synchronized. He also found that when both hemispheres were entrained to vibrate right around eight cps, creativity, intuition, and a tendency towards extrasensory perception all increased dramatically.

Research has shown that the human brain operates at a wide range of frequencies, but generally stays in four major levels of awareness known as beta (13 to 30 cps), alpha (8 to 12 cps), theta (5 to 7 cps), and delta (1 to 4 cps). The highest level is beta, and in this state the brain is active and very awake. This state is usually associated with intellectual thought and verbal expression. When you are talking up a storm, your brain is vibrating between 13 and 30 cps.

The alpha level is the next state down, and it is associated with a much more relaxed, calm, and creative waking state. A nice alpha level can be achieved with a simple meditation of slowing your breathing. As your breathing slows, other body functions including your brain frequencies will begin to relax and slow down. When you are completely relaxed ­ but not yet asleep ­ your brain hums at around 8 to 12 cycles per second. 8 or 9 cps is considered a very creative state, marked with contemplative thought and increased intuition.

Moving down the awareness scale we arrive at the theta frequencies, and a very interesting set of frequencies they are. This 5 to 7 cps range is where dreams, deep hypnosis, ESP, out-of-body projections, channeling, and other odd mind phenomena start to pop up. Somewhere in this range lies what is called the hypnagogic state ­ that twilight-zone of consciousness on the border between being awake and being asleep. This is grey area where conscious and subconscious start to overlap. Most of us only get quick, half-remembered glimpses into this realm as we are going to sleep or waking up. However, with Monroe’s techniques of brain entrainment, this theta state can be sonically induced ­ allowing the entrainee to have extended periods of theta exploration.

The last level of brainwave activity is the delta range, and these frequencies are usually only associated with deep, dreamless sleep.

8Hz is important — the human body acts as a receiver and transmitter of frequencies.

8Hz is also the frequency of the double helix in DNA replication. Melatonin and Pinoline work on the DNA, inducing an 8Hz signal to enable metosis and DNA replication. A form of body temperature superconductivity is evident in this process.

The bottom line is that all living things have adapted over time to live in the electromagnetic conditioning of a frequency attuned to around 8Hz. As a result, away from this natural resonance — our biology becomes flustered. The electromagnetic frequency of the Earth can be manipulated, and thus, all living things can be manipulated by altering these frequencies.

  • Certain signals can be encoded with subliminal messaging or be set at frequencies that interfere with our brain’s natural rhythms and functions.
  • Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns, change the behavior of the victim with the flick of a switch.
  • There is a catalog of every specific brain frequency for each mood, action and thought. There is one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust, etc.
  • Targeted individuals can also have symptoms like unusual stress, mental confusion, forgetfulness, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, periods of diminished hearing and eye sight, sudden onset of unexplained neurological problems and sharp pains shooting into head, as well as symptoms that mimic mental illness; depression, split personality disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia.
  • For example, you could suppress critical “higher” thought processing (beta frequencies) by releasing a frequency that engages lethargic brain activity (theta frequencies).

A comprehensive grid of centralized electromagnetic frequency emitters means those who control such a system can also control the brainwaves of those subjected to said system. The worry is that these elites will use it (and they likely will) to keep everyone’s brainwaves in a range that prevents critical thought processing, instead keeping people in the brainwave range that favours their agenda, for example, an emotional, slow, or hysteric state of thought — all depending on what they want the population to think.

Now, with the 5G network being rolled-out, this can happen on a larger scale than ever before.

Whole populations can be reliably targeted as more permanent dense infrastructure is being actively established — before this, manipulation would have to rely on situational exposure sources — now, the air-wave territory has been totally swamped and dominated by man-made frequency emissions, 5G means no escape; it becomes far more difficult to avoid unnatural signals here on out.

Can electromagnetic frequencies be used against us? Directed Energy Weapons, Mind control & MK-ULTRA.

Among other applications, EMF weapons/devices have been used for harassment, surveillance, crowd-control, and mind control.

Electronic harassment and mind control technologies direct energy through lasers, radio frequency energy beams, holography, interferometry, electromagnetic radiation, radio and sound waves, satellites, radar, miniature electronic robots, smart dust, and other means. All do it invisibly over thousands of miles. They can penetrate walls, buildings, metals, concrete, mountains and thousands of miles of earth.

Agencies like the Pentagon, CIA and NSA use them to monitor people, manipulate their minds, harm, and at times kill them. The Navy Times called them the “most feared and controversial weapons of the modern age.”

In conflict zones like Iraq and Afghanistan, “Project Sheriff” was launched to give “troops working in urban terrain more options” against combatants and noncombatants alike. Humvees and armored personnel carriers were been retrofitted with non-lethal weapons, including microwave-like pain rays (an Active Denial System) and Long Range Acoustic Devices that could emit earsplitting sounds. The bottom line: the weaponization of frequencies is well known, to turn these technologies against the public is the unthinkable next step, but nonetheless — the ongoing, and ever-worsening reality.

Most people know nothing about directed energy weapons, manipulating, incapacitating and killing many thousands who have no idea what hit them — killing-off the pensioner age populace that has no use to the system with Alzheimer’s and cancers (the rapid rise in these conditions can be explained by this), microwaving & irradiating the people’s minds to make them dumb and weak-willed.

America has been a longtime global offender, developing and using weaponized frequency technologies for decades to surveille, harass, intimidate, manipulate, torture, and kill whomever the elites wish to target.

These so-called “non-lethal weapons” are as harmful as killer ones. Ongoing research, in fact, is chilling. Waging war on human minds and bodies, it’s morally, ethically, and legally indefensible. Atrocity technologies are produced, mostly without public knowledge or that governments like America use them against their own people and others. For ill of course — not good.

Dr. Ross Adey worked on the CIA’s Pandora Project, using microwaves to send signals to human brains. Cataloging the results, he showed how they affected emotional and pathological states.

He also learned that human brains could be controlled remotely through extremely low frequency modulated microwave beams, able to cause psychological and physical harm.

People could be turned in zombies, their minds easily controlled. Physical harm also resulted, affecting their blood, cardiovascular system, cells, central nervous and digestive systems, glands, metabolism, reproduction, eyesight, and hearing. In addition, subjects could be made suicidal or driven mad. Moreover, sounds and speech can be placed in victims’ brains — actual voices they can’t control or stop.

Adey and colleagues revolutionized our understanding of the way brains cell operate. During the next 20 years many papers were published showing that ELF electromagnetic fields affected the way calcium ions move in brain tissue (Read: Calcium’s role in Alzheimer’s cases) and the way this affects the inner working of the cells. Living cells are enclosed by a strong protective membrane (skin) and communicate with the outside world through electrically charged protein strands that stick out from their surface.

These carry signals into the cell interior where they regulate growth, development and cell division. By 1976 low level electromagnetic field effects had been shown to occur across the ELF range, peaking between about 12 and 20 Hz. The effects were seen most clearly with the ELF signals amplitude modulated on to microwaves, such as those that TETRA handsets use. The microwaves penetrate brain tissue and effectively ’carry’ the ELF pulsing deep into the brain. There is also considerable evidence that low levels of pulsed microwaves can create a more permeable blood-brain barrier to allow toxins to reach the brain — toxins deployed in chem trails, for example.

From the video below featuring Dr. Elizabeth Plourde:

“The calcium inside and outside these cells is no longer in balance, because its leaking out — they’ve done autopsies on all these autistic kids and their brains show all this calcium imbalance throughout their brain.”

“These electromagnetic frequencies are firstly causing all of these holes (creating calcium leakage) and causing oxidation damage, it breaks single and double stranded DNA.”

“The difference between this radiation and nuclear/ionizing radiation is that with ionizing the DNA breaks instantly, with electromagnetic microwave radiation it vibrates human DNA until it eventually breaks. It’s cumulative.”

The rapid escalation of man-made environmental EMF radiation.

Electrosmog, dirty electricity, electrical pollution, and the rise of electrohypersensitivity could spell disaster for public health — as the rush for faster data transfer mixed with the elite’s weaponization of bandwidths as a mode of population control means human biology is on tenterhooks.

Israeli research studies presented at an international conference reveal that, astonishingly, the same electromagnetic frequencies used for crowd control weapons form the foundation of the latest network — branded as 5G. The G in 5G means it’s a generation of wireless technology.

For years, the U.S., Russian and Chinese defense agencies have been developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to induce unpleasant burning sensations on the skin as a form of crowd control. Millimeter waves are utilized by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems. Dr. Paul Ben-Ishai pointed to research that was commissioned by the U.S. Army to find out why people ran away when the beam touched them. “If you are unlucky enough to be standing there when it hits you, you will feel like your body is on fire.” The U.S. Department of Defense explains how: “The sensation dissipates when the target moves out of the beam. The sensation is intense enough to cause a nearly instantaneous reflex action of the target to flee the beam.”

The new 5G frequency is billed to be a whopping 60GHz millimeter-wave band — 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing sub-millimeter and millimeter waves – to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation.

This is a massive step up from 3G at 1.8-2.5 GHz, and 4G at 2-8 GHz, placing it well within the microwave category. This frequency is miles away from the natural resonance of 8Hz that our bodies are accustomed to, and far, far above current EMF levels (which are already damaging enough).

5G will require a huge infrastructural effort to install, many small masts/repeaters will need to be erected due to 5G’s (deliberately) small travel distance. 5G networks are much more likely to be networks of small cells, even down to the size of home routers, than to be huge towers radiating great distances.

With no studies on 5G-influenced human health being carried out, the health effects need to be called into question. Veering into theoretical grounds, Joe Imbriano of The Fullerton Informer believes that the rise of the predicted 5G-induced EMF sickness will be dubbed “Disease X”, and may result in the roll-out of a mandatory toxic vaccination program to further tie people into biological servitude.

High frequency 60GHz 5G could interfere with the oxygen molecules we breathe.

Specific absorption rate (SAR) determination methods, and biological responses at both the cellular/molecular and whole levels should be considered. Joe Imbriano has studied the molecular level of impact 5G will have and made an alarming discovery.

Imbriano stated that 5G’s 60GHz bandwidth was selected for a specific reason, he thinks this reason may be to negatively affect the oxygen we breathe as part of a population control mechanism:

60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules stuck together with these electrons that they share.”

Imbriano appears to be correct, Oxygen is 98% energy absorbent at 60GHz. Oxygen absorption at 60GHz also severely limits wave range. They could have easily chosen any other wavelength and boosted travel distance, but instead opted for 60GHz, this has to be intentional. Graph source.

While at 60GHz the frequency is non-ionizing (doesn’t eliminate electrons), it appears to disproportionately affect diatomic oxygen’s electrons without having a full-blown ionizing effect.

Imbriano then stated that oxygen itself would be manipulated by 5G signals and made defective:

“When oxygen is hit with 60GHz waves, it affects the orbital properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood, that is a magnetic compound in our body, in our blood cells. Hemoglobin is a very complex magnetic compound, it is a ferromagnetic compound. When you alter, or interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic oxygen’s (O2) electrons – you interfere with the gaseous exchange in our lungs where the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream, and at the same time is being transported through our body carbon dioxide and water vapor is being expelled from our bloodstream, into our lungs and exhaled. They’re taking the axe to the trunk of the tree, oxygen is life. They’re going to be poisoning us with a frequency that affects the oxygen molecules and this is by design.”

And thousands of low-orbit satellites.

“By their own admission they tell us that these emission don’t travel far, and that they don’t penetrate very well; and that requires that they locate these micro-cell antenna about every 500 feet in the cities – because the air in the atmosphere will absorb and block the frequencies (they want the air to do this). Why would they use that frequency if it doesn’t travel very far and there’s so many things that will interfere with the wave propagation? I’ll tell you why folks, it’s a weapon.”

“And by the way, I believe the ‘Disease X‘ that they’ve been talking about will be a direct result of radio frequency exposure from millimeter wave emissions that will be forced on the population.”

Pictured: diatomic Oxygen. Joe Imbriano predicts that high frequencies will interrupt the orbital traits of the Oelectrons.

Here’s the source video (The Fullerton Informer):

“WiGig” and why you should avoid it.

Imbriano warned in the video of the upcoming WiGig WiFi variant, allowing users super-fast connection in the 60GHz range as a part of the 5G roll-out. He warns everyone to avoid 60GHz WiFi systems in whatever variant they come in.

“The phones are going to be using WiGig for WiFi communications, all the new WiFi is going to be WiGig, 60GHz, that’s the oxygen molecule absorption frequency. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry/Biological Science from UCI. I kept all my books, but when I look back through I find it amazing what they didn’t teach us. I was a Biological Science Major, that’s a Life Science, I studied everything from cellular metabolism all the way up to how organs work, and with Chemistry; how things fit together like an erector set, and some Biochemistry to see how the erector set interacts with a living organism and tissues. But they never taught us Magnetobiology. Magnetobiology is not a field of study in any university in the U.S.”

“At 60GHz the frequencies impair the body’s ability to produce vitamin D and melanin, this is an attack on the human body.”

Imbriano suggests the following countermeasures (I’d strongly suggest you verify them for yourself first, come to your own conclusions):

  • Take Carbonyl Iron, a microwave absorber as a protective measure against EMFs, he especially recommends this for pregnant women, as fetuses are most susceptible to EMF radiation. Imbriano highlights how Carbonyl Iron is used to paint stealth bombers to keep the vehicle off the radar due to its frequency-absorbent qualities.
  • Take Carbon 60, a Fullerene compound that Imbriano calls a potent chelator (will get harmful metals out of the body and brain) and will trap them inside the Fullerene structure instead of them being bonded externally.
  • Seperate from Imbriano’s suggestions, I would suggest Andy Cutler’s Chelation Protocol to get unwanted metals out of the body. This method is tried and tested and very reliable.
  • Check out wifidangers.com for more info.

Back to the topic of EMFs…

Dr. Devra Davis, epidemiologist and President of the Environmental Health Trust stated that:

“Most people are unaware that these waves are cycling several billion times per second. 75 GHz is in fact 75,000,000,000 cycles per second,” these frequencies are rapidly penetrating the skin in an unimaginably fast pulsation, that will interfere with and undermine biological processes.

“If you are one of the millions who seek faster downloads of movies, games and virtual pornography, a solution is at hand, that is, if you do not mind volunteering your living body in a giant uncontrolled experiment on the human population. At this moment, residents of the Washington, DC region – like those of 100 Chinese cities – are about to be living within a vast experimental Millimeter wave network to which they have not consented – all courtesy of American taxpayers.”

Davis proposed that the Trump Administration, which is currently rolling out 5G, could provide funds for research and training by implementing a 2 cents per month fee on all wireless devices, their manufacturers and network providers. “Training and research in bioelectromagnetics including the evaluation of new technologies is essential before universal deployment”. But that won’t happen because special interests want to use EMFs as yet another tool for population control.

Davis spoke of the risk that 5G millimeter and submillimeter waves may lead to preferential layer absorption in humans, stating:

“This work shows that the same parts of the human skin that allow us to sweat also respond to 5G radiation much like an antenna that can receive signals. We need the potential adverse health impacts of 5G to be seriously evaluated before we blanket our children, ourselves and the environment with this radiation.”

“B. Blake Levitt, Former New York Times writer and author of “Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves, and Editor of Cell Towers, Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?” explains in Rees’ book, “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution” that:

“… It turns out that most living things are fantastically sensitive to vanishingly small EMF exposures. Living cells interpret such exposures as part of our normal cellular activities (think heartbeats, brainwaves, cell division itself, etc.) The problem is, man-made electromagnetic exposures aren’t “normal”. They are artificial artifacts, with unusual intensities, signaling characteristics, pulsing patterns, and wave forms. And they can misdirect cells in a myriad of ways.”

An invisible danger, an epigenetic manipulation tool.

Most living organisms are naturally equipped to deal with low-level environmental frequency exposure. For example, a ferromagnetic compound called magnetite is naturally present in the brain that absorbs frequencies up to 12GHz, this shields the brain from such radiation. However, beyond 12GHz this natural defense is rendered ineffective, our biology hasn’t made provisions for a frequency exposure so abnormal — 5G will be well above 12 GHz at 60GHz and beyond.

It’s not unknown that high radiation will result in birth defects and a whole host of health issues, the closer we get to these wavelengths the worse it gets for human health.

Constant exposure to a barrage of man-made EMFs is largely a “grey area” in the “official” scientific consensus — not due to the facts being unclear, but due to vested interests and misrepresented research muddying the waters — as well as the fact the mainstream media is (of course) not tackling the big concerns surrounding EMFs and informing the public.

It is a blacklisted topic, and is something that has largely slipped past public discourse. Our exposure to EMFs is being escalated by the globalist-owned telecoms corporations year on year, as higher and higher frequencies are rolled out — the electromagnetic smog thickens.

They intend to use microwaves channeled through heavy metals suspended in human tissues to damage us.

Joe Imbriano pointed out that the admitted chemtrailing of skies across the West under the guise of fighting “global warming” is actually a strategy to deploy heavy metals in the air that people will then inhale or ingest.

After this, the EMF/microwaves will pass through the metals in people’s bodies and brains and cause inflammation and cell death, a slow kill way to suppress and maim a population in a devastating microwave effect. The EMFs weaken the blood-brain barrier, and then chemtrail spraying floods our blood-brain barrier weakened brains with toxic metals — the result is impaired thought, whole-body sub-optimal function, boosted chance for later-life Alzheimer’s, rise in autism (brain damage) symptoms, reduced fertility, and so on. This especially affects developing brains.

“The U.S. military has been spraying chemical and biological weapons in open air testing over civilian populations since the 1940’s. They are called “vulnerability tests”. This is not a controversial statement. The military has admitted to this practice on many occasions and there’s plenty of documentation from the government to corroborate it. There is also documentation of intentional, experimental releases of radiation on civilian populations. Unfortunately, this information tends to surface long after it could have saved lives, or eased the suffering of victims.” — Carole Pellatt. Connections. “What’s going on in the air? Yes, we are being sprayed.”

Dr. Russel Blaylock highlights how the aerosolized nano-particulate aluminium and other metals are absorbed into brain tissue directly through the sinuses, from there the toxic metals cannot be excreted unless a chelator (heavy metal extracting agent) is used.

“There’s been an astronomical increase in environmental aluminium in recent years.”

With the current dispersion of nano-aluminium, people are breathing this 24/7, the result is a high buildup of this toxic metal in people’s brains and bodies.

“There’s a tremendous amount of secrecy around the contents of chem-trail jetfuel, they offer a sample of regular jetfuel but disallow direct sampling of jetfuel from suspect planes.”

“There’s a large amount of birds dying.” (being blamed on global warming)

The build-up of plaques and aluminium in the entorhinal cortex in Alzheimer’s patients. Near where the aluminium is being inhaled.

“The brain’s preservation represents the only possibility of survival for mankind. To find in many parts of the country and in many individual patients that its function is eroded seriously by chemicals, chemicals that have been introduced into the environment basically in the last 50 years, is bad news indeed.” — Kaye H. Kilburn, M.D.

5G at 60GHz could allow authorities to see people clearly through walls.

Because 60GHz is, as aforementioned, the oxygen absorption level frequency, and that humans are an organism of collected oxygen (65% of the human body is oxygen) —advanced scanning technologies using 5G will be able to pick up people through walls and get an accurate image of what they are doing and their specific movements. 5G likely will act as a sort of X-Ray for picking up and localizing oxygenated organisms, i.e. humans.

It’s no coincidence they chose the 60GHz range for 5G:

It’s one of the big pieces in the overall surveillance grid being setup — 5G will also enable lightning-fast audiovisual relays with all connected devices, the fact that the new 5G grid is adapted to interact with oxygen is the next step in them totally invading people’s privacy.

Current WiFi technology only allows a very limited visualization, see the below video:

If there’s a cup of coffee on a table, you may see something is there, but you couldn’t see the shape. But you could make out the (approximate) shape of a person, or a dog on a couch. Really any object that’s more than 4 centimeters in size.

The new 5G grid is a 60GHz constant, high feedback, oxygen-sensitive relay that means the image will be crisp and distinct and will pick out humans over all other things. 5G will be able to see through clothes and see if someone’s carrying a weapon.

The fact that in major cities repeaters will be installed every 500 feet or so, the up-time for this kind of surveillance will be 24/7 — in public places as well as in people’s homes.

I’m sure when this information goes mainstream the authorities will say it’s for “anti terrorism” purposes or some similar excuse.

The rise of the “Internet of Things”, a “Skynet” grid equivalent: the omniscient God tyrant.

A Former FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler said, “From pill bottles to plant waterers.” Everything will have an IP address. Everything will be categorized, everything will be digitized. It’s about self-driving cars and connecting everything up to a “smart” infrastructure; smart appliances, broadband everywhere. Who has access to the main console? The elites of course, they get to decide the radiation levels for every area, perhaps even down to the individual person, they can decide who gets a lethal dose of it, and who gets to live.

It’s digital centralization, the total centralization of surveillance. They have centralized money and politics, corporations and culture, guns, self-defense and free speech, now they will move on our privacy and our health and everything else in and of the human condition — true totalitarianism.

They will be able to see everyone clearly through the walls, hear everyone through their devices, see what everyone types through their computers. If you say something wrong, you can easily be traced and arrested for the flimsiest of reasons, i.e. “inciting hatred”, there is no fair due process anymore. Many have said it before and I will say it again, 1984 will be upon us very soon.

Globalist front companies such as SpaceX are deploying satellites to facilitate the infrastructure for 5G such as the Starlink project. SpaceX will be putting over 4,000 satellites in orbit around Earth in the next five years. A far cry from Iridium’s 75 satellites.

The network will be worldwide, surveillance will be absolutely everywhere, so long as a 5G primed device is there to enable it — and very soon all phones will be 5G primed with a satellite relay.

This will fall into the wrong hands, there’s already a plan to nationalize 5G in the U.S.

Bio-electric effects on cells are real. 

Tufts University developmental biologist Michael Levin thinks that changes in electric potentials across cells can also serve as a so-called epigenetic switch to regulate how genes function. In the wrong hands, i.e. corporate compelled electromagnetic signals, this could be extremely dangerous.

While the thermal effects of EMFs are documented and some safety regulations are in place, but there are no provisions for other detrimental cellular affects. The authors of a paper concluded that for the protection of living cells, EMF safety limits must be changed from their current standard, which presently only specify protection against thermal effects. There are many other effects, this website indexes 155 non-thermal effects of EMFs.

When it comes to the science, on one hand, many mainstream government sources (largely funded by vested corporate interests) are claiming EMFs are mostly safe. Meanwhile, on the other hand, independent studies are painting a very different picture.

Various independent studies conducted on EMF exposure have consistently reported worrying findings in some form or another, even some government studies have negative findings, but then tend to downplay them:

One study on plants has observed that many negative changes within the plant organism occurred with low exposure to EMFs, it seems as though cell activities are impaired:

Indeed, numerous metabolic activities (reactive oxygen species metabolism, α- and β-amylase, Krebs cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, chlorophyll content, terpene emission, etc.) are modified, gene expression altered (calmodulin, calcium-dependent protein kinase, and proteinase inhibitor), and growth reduced (stem elongation and dry weight) after low power (i.e., non-thermal) HF-EMF exposure. 

Another study on humans found that EMF exposure can affect neurogenesis in both the developing and adult brain:

EMF exposure can affect the new formation of cells in the hippocampus during embryonic development. This may result in deterioration of behavioral and cognitive functions involving learning tasks and short-term memory.

The same study also observed that:

Effects of EMF have also been reported at the cellular level, including alterations in intracellular signalling pathways such as ionic distribution and changes in calcium ion permeability.

A Mercola article claims that:

“Exposure to microwave radiation from cellphones, routers, cordless phones, smart meters, baby monitors and other wireless devices causes massive mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage.
Excessive free radicals triggered by low-frequency microwave exposure from wireless technologies have been linked to cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s, infertility and more.”

Despite these findings, the globalist-affiliated World Health Organisation (WHO) of course claims that:

“Despite extensive research, to date there is no evidence to conclude that exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to human health.”

You generally cannot feel or touch EMFs and electricity in your environment, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that your cells are indeed impacted. Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure include (and this is only a partial list, here’s a more in-depth list):

Many cancers Neurological conditions Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Sleep disorders Depression
Autism (early indications) Cognitive problems Cardiovascular irregularities Hormone disruption Immune system disorders
Metabolism changes Stress and Mineral disruption Fertility impairment Increased blood-brain barrier permeability DNA damage

In fact, in Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, epidemiologist Sam Milham, MD points out that the major diseases plaguing modern man — heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. — may be triggered by this prevalent, yet nearly entirely overlooked, cause.

After analyzing health demographic data going back to the early part of the 20th century, Dr. Milham showed that populations without electrification experienced less disease than in urban areas with electrification, and that rural death rates correlated with levels of electrical service for most causes examined. Conditions linked to electrification included cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and suicide.Dr, Milham says the era of cell phones and WI-FI is really the 2nd major wave of electromagnetic exposure to humans, the first being the introduction of electrification in the early 1900s. Most of America was not electrified until 1956, which allowed Dr. Milham to do this important research comparing health statistics in urban areas, rural electrified areas and rural non-electrified areas, and allowing for the important discovery of the role of electrification in disease.

“This is a species issue … There is early evidence there may be a link between EMF exposures and autism … We know radiation is affecting our DNA and jeopardizing the health of future generations. There is research from many countries now showing dramatic decline in sperm count from exposure to cell phone radiation …

I really don’t think it’s possible, when you know the disturbing truth, to stop caring — to stop wanting to support life.” 

Camilla Rees, MBA

When there’s excess calcium in the cell, it increases levels of both nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. While NO has many beneficial health effects, massively excessive NO reacts with superoxide, forming peroxynitrite, which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor.

Peroxynitrites, in turn, break down to form reactive free radicals, both reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species (ROS), including hydroxyl radicals, carbonate radicals and NO2 radicals — all three of which do damage. Peroxynitrites also do damage all on their own.

So, EMFs are not “cooking” your cells. It’s not a thermal influence. Rather, the radiation activates the VGCCs in the outer cell membrane, which triggers a chain reaction of devastating events that, ultimately, decimates your mitochondrial function and causes severe cellular damage and DNA breaks. It also decimates your cell membranes and cellular proteins. In a nutshell, it dramatically accelerates the aging process.

Cultural Marxism and its Grave Implications

As the Cultural Marxists push their neoliberal critical theory, postmodern, and post-structural demographic mixing policies and nu-progressive doctrine, the resulting balkanization (division) of the electorate in Western nations and arbitrary dissolution of traditional structures by these methods must be discussed — funded social activism and the dissemination of certain biases is at the forefront of keeping neoliberalism, group dissension, and toxic progressivism prominent in society, as a result keeping the social structures of what would be an organised populace thereafter permanently divided.

Weaponized Cultural Marxism deliberately appeals to and has successfully made a tool out of the rebellious nature of youth, and has made it “cool” and “progressive” to destroy the so-called “anachronistic” structures in society — in reality, these are structures in the way of further centralization of power under an unaccountable elite cabal.

It boils down to suppressing the individual and turning everything towards the collective of the elite’s agenda —  to divide and conquer, introduce postmodernism, pathologize and victimize everything to paralyze independent free thought and discourse, to destroy the family and replace parental figures with the state role model, to eliminate religious and national Western value systems, to intersperse dissension and division among the populace by highlighting irrelevant differences between people. Anything that turns a person towards obedience to the state entity.

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

— Benito Mussolini, on totalitarianism.

Replace the word “state” with any central collection of substantial power — it doesn’t necessarily have to be in terms of traditional government. This is because governance can take on many forms. For example, today’s collection of power is in the corporate state, the “corporatocracy“.

When every person becomes a microcosm of the state’s image, then the state rules in full-spectrum, absolute totality. The human domain (the body) is the last frontier of attaining true totalitarian power, the capable, free-thinking individual is the enemy of totalitarianism — this is why we see an assault on the individual thinker everywhere. I believe the elites know that they will never truly eradicate individual thought, that’s nearly impossible. So instead they want to replace it with dumbed-down “individual” thought, a form of individuality that appears democratized, but in effect — remains an extension of state power. The wider the awareness gap between the ruler and the ruled, the closer to totalitarianism we will come, a devalued individual is their next big goal. This is why we see them attempt to put incapable individuals in positions of power, to dilute capable individuals’ power.

“The long march through the institutions of power”

The above statement refers to Cultural Marxists slowly taking over key positions in the institutions controlling culture in order to create a new culture; one that aligns with the globalist-Zionist agenda. David Icke coined the term the “totalitarian tiptoe“, a slow and gradual encroachment of an agenda in parts initially too small to recognize — but in the end forming a whole, by which time the public will accept the agenda due to the gradual acclimatization that shifted the Overton window.

Cultural Marxism places great emphasis on analyzing, controlling, and changing the popular culture, the popular discourse, the mass media, and the language itself. Seeing culture as often having more or less subconscious influences on people which create and sustain inequalities, Cultural Marxists themselves often try to remove these inequalities by more or less subtle manipulation and censorship of culture. Because of its secret intelligence organizers, social justice opts to frame and create anachronisms out of natural differences between things, calling them figments of “oppression”, as well as push the “virtues” of unthinking pathological altruism through the “high-ground” of self-proclaimed morality.

Escape the artificially engineered social bubble — take a trip to your average South American, Eastern European or Asian country. Few things can red-pill a man faster than being engulfed in a culture outside of the West — where the fundamental culture has not been manipulated.

Marxist Politics is all about power relations rather than rational bilateral discourse, it’s all about couching one’s positions in the language of morality.

While some inequalities are legitimate, others are perceived inequalities, that below the surface are not the alleged “inequalities” we have been led to believe. To distinguish between innocent social activism and the weaponized Cultural Marxist “SJW”, is to see the difference between perceived inequalities and real inequalities — and from where exactly the activism or movement is coming from.

From the grassroots? More likely to be a legitimate issue. From corporate funding? There’s likely an agenda at play. Just follow the money. Unfortunately, many don’t follow the money, and take on-board the toxic values and ideological groundwork from perceived authoritative sources, woe to them.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” — Sun Tzu

By creating false dichotomies that otherwise would not exist is to draw a “solution” (reform) to the “problem” (thing) you want to change, whether it’s a real social problem is irrelevant — as a result, you can gain a social outcome that benefits a given agenda. By blaring the single talking point and narrative of social activism you also cover up the real cause and effect in the significance of the nature of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender, etc as eminent social factors that often have nuance that your agenda needs to overlook to be successful.

The US has a history staging false dichotomies and psyops on a large scale, so why not in subtle ways too? Meddling by secret intelligence is well-documented; as a result, I believe the role of these agencies in shaping and directing social and political discourse is sorely understated.

Examples of major fake social “revolutions”.

A prime example of a fake social revolution is feminism and women’s suffrage which have their roots in the early 20th century, and later on, the Women’s liberation movement of the 1960s. This social cause was funded by Jewish banker-owned organisations to swing the electorate away from male rationality towards female liberality — and liberality is the best way for the elite class to liquidize and reform undesirable social structures. Why? Because the very definition of being liberal is to be “open to new ideas”, even if these new ideas are terrible and damaging — its the best way to slip your corporate social agenda under the social radar and then implement it — by cloaking it in “benevolent social activism” — nobody notices if it appears to come from the grassroots.

The CIA/Rockefeller Foundation funded the roots of feminism to weaken the basic structure of society for more governmental influence.

By funding women’s suffrage and overturning the tradition of the male-only vote, the male voter was devalued; and by extension, so was general rationality in the democratic process — the designed rise of the emotional, low quality voter has made social engineering and its implications more significant than ever. According to the 2009 “Reflections and Warnings” interview with Aaron Russo, the elites allegedly funded social reform on gender to also take women “out of the home to double the amount of taxpayers and cut wages by doubling the supply of workers”, Russo alleged that it also had the effect of putting kids in state school earlier, meaning exposure to state indoctrination would occur at an earlier stage in life.

Ironically, most women believe they benefit from feminism’s values, but do they really when their unhappiness has skyrocketed, and when 1 in 4 American women are on antidepressants. The statistics speak for themselves; the cultural changes imposed by Cultural Marxism are having a negative effect.

Louise Weiss (front) along with other suffragettes demonstrating in Paris in 1935.

“You’ve been lied to about women’s position in society, you are the society, you create and grow the next life, and they tell you ‘oh, that’s a horrible thing’, they say ‘your baby is a parasite’, they don’t ever want you to have a child so you’re empowered through it.” 

— Alex Jones

Gloria Steinem, an American feminist, journalist, and social political activist who once stated that “a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle”, told of how the CIA was directly involved in the feminist movement during the late 1960s Women’s liberation movement:

Scientifically speaking, men tend to have the propensity to vote conservatively and women more liberally as it is hardwired in our biology; women’s brains favor more emotional activity in the mid-brain region, while men show more rational activity in the top of the brain.

The significance of gender in the vote is very clear throughout political preferences (vote choice, and ideology), political participation (voting, campaign activity, and contentious actions), and political engagement (interest, discussion, persuasion, knowledge, and efficacy). According to one study, “women are least engaged with the stages of the political process when new issues are introduced to the agenda.”

Manufacturing consent; the next steps.

They’ve conquered the male-centric vote that held irrationality at bay, and implemented various other Marxist-inspired society-breaking strategies — but the Western Caucasian voter is still too smart and too entrenched in the ideas of Western liberty to fully control, the Western family is a safeguard for Western values — they haven’t been successful in breaking up this safeguard enough.

How would you deal with this? One big strategy is replacement — to bring in low-IQ, culturally decadent migrants who have no experience and no regard for said liberties and will happily vote those liberties away, whether by gullibility or irreverence, in part due to IQ, in part environmental causes. Mass population replacement has a “blank slate” effect on the target population and nation, allowing you to rewrite the rules. Because a state is the sum of its inhabitants — controlling the inhabitants means you control the state, before many assumed controlling the government means you control the state, yes, in the short term, but in the long term, the population is the real source of power. Power comes from below.

Today’s “migration crisis” in Europe is redefining that “power from below”, denigrating the capable individual by bringing in people of an average IQ below 90. According to studies, sub-90 IQ populations cannot sustain high-functioning civilization — or even a basic level of civilization, the permanent genetic factors are well documented; meaning that any assimilation to Western ideals will be very limited, this is all planned.

Finnish political scientist Tatu Vanhanen supports this. His comprehensive study of 172 nations in the world demonstrates that the higher the average intelligence in a given society, the higher its degree of democracy and civilization.

The circular reasoning that saturates modern Cultural Marxism.

This comes under the guise of a new Western “enlightenment”, the bandwagon idea of “out with the old in with the new” pervades society, its almost as if they would rather we don’t stop and question why this is happening — and where exactly this new line of thinking will lead us as a civilization.

The opted assumption is that it’s a “given thing”, that the score is settled, that new criticisms are “wild conspiracies” or “anti-scientific”, or anti-whatever.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, the neoliberal Marxist line of the “oppressor” and “oppressed” is applied in so many areas of human society that it’s become hard to keep track — spawning so many unnecessary tribal conflicts between people.

This class agitation is especially important for globalist vested interests — by characterizing the non-globalist upper class as bourgeoisie and pushing socialist policies to crush the middle class, they are slashing capital and property that doesn’t serve their agenda, keeping the lion’s share within their control, their proxies, and forming an underclass at a rapid rate.

It seems as if, despite all the ranting of “oppression”, it is only the international financiers that are not oppressing anybody — funny how that panned-out, Jewish exceptionalism is everywhere — and proves who is really in control, for example ISIS never attacks Israel, no massive social justice attacks on Israel’s racism, and there is no uproar about the high Jewish representation in top positions compared to all other groups.

It seems conspiracy theories are allowed, but only if they have a liberal angle — anything that points out the tremendous influence of the international Jewish financiers, people who have held these financial roles for centuries — well, that’s tin foil hat stuff.

The neoliberal narrative is perpetuated everywhere. The number of the establishment’s “progressive” authors presenting circular reasoning is astonishing. For example, this article by the Huffington Post starts with a precedent without justifying it, this kind of “social justice” content is often seen across the mainstream media landscape.

The mechanisms of manufacturing dissent & the “icebreaker” of Cultural Marxism in the 1960s: the roots of Western cultural decline.

So where did this neoliberal explosion come from? — it all started in the USA with the Rockefeller-backed neoliberal movement in the 1960s from the front-organisation known as The Funders Network on Trade and Globalization (FTNG) — the social movement was intended as a mass-push for liberalism to loosen up the socially and politically conservative traditions that obstructed the further acquisition of power by encouraging the young to challenge social norms. The movement was a social gadfly on established social order; and was from the start a meticulously controlled cultural sabotage.

The areas targeted by the fake neoliberal “revolution”, that masquerades as classical liberalism are areas crucial to the fabric of human interrelations — and sources of tremendous leverage if manipulated correctly by a willing puppeteer. It would be accurate to call them the key pressure-points of society, these methods were likely formulated in the banker-owned think-tanks.

The Frankfurt School.

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. “Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness”. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture — the targets of achieving post-structuralism.

Check out: The New Dark Age – The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness

The School developed critical theory in order to analyze and explain how culture creates inequalities. It has been extremely influential and today has branches in numerous fields such as critical race theory, critical whiteness studies, critical gender studies, critical criminology, critical legal studies, etc — here are the main areas that Cultural Marxism influences:

Basically, the task of the Frankfurt School was to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. They called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life to destabilize society and destroy what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order.

“First, that the influence of home is obstructive.

Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten.

Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective.

Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey . When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

— Bertrand Russel, British Philosopher

They hoped their policies would spread like a virus — “continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means”, as one of their members noted. To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution.

Comintern propaganda chief, Willi Münzenberg, summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation, stating that ‘we will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.’

The School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

  • Attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
  • Abolish differences in the education of boys and girls.
  • Abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces.
  • Declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’.

The 1960s social revolution is a perfect example of how, seemingly out of nowhere, all these major human sociological factors were instantly and aggressively challenged and undermined, it happened in a choppy way because it was designed.

“This task is rendered easier of the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, so-called liberalism, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power.” — The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1903)

For example, in 1969, Blue Movie, directed by Andy Warhol, was the first adult erotic film depicting explicit sex to receive wide theatrical release in the United States. New cultural forms and a dynamic subculture which celebrated experimentation, modern incarnations of Bohemianism, and the rise of the hippie and other alternative lifestyles emerged. Lyndon B. Johnson was the first acting president to endorse birth control, a hugely important factor in the change of American sexual attitudes in the 1960s.

Areas of society clamoring for change included the Civil Rights movement, (see SCLC and SNCC) the ‘New Left‘, and women, with various women’s rights organizations appearing in the latter years of the decade in particular.

In the 1963 book The Feminine Mystique, Friedan tackles the issue of the domestic role of women in contemporary America, and the feeling of dissatisfaction with it. Friedan believed that women should not conform to this popularized view of the feminine, (The Housewife) and that they should participate in, if not enjoy the act of sex. It’s evident how this evolved into the toxic form of man-hating feminism we see today.

The rise of popular recreational drugs during the period such as crack cocaine and LSD, was largely introduced by CIA-backed cartels — this brought in a new dependency for a population that was once conservative and cautious.

David McGowan, author on the subject, proposed that the social revolution was a controlled, concerted effort to mitigate the backlash of the anti-war movement and carefully guide the angst of a gullible youth.

“…These are belief systems that are used to manipulate the minds of impressionable followers. In the case of Satanism, it is, to me, a way to covertly sell a fascist mindset, which is the direction the country, and the rest of the world, is moving. Those embracing the teachings think they are rebelling against the system, but they are in reality reinforcing it. Just as the hippies did. And just as so-called Patriots and Anarchists are. I don’t believe there has been a legitimate resistance movement in this country for a very long time.” 

“To the extent that it has a central thesis, I would say that it is that the music and counterculture scene that sprung to life in the 1960s was not the organic, grassroots resistance movement that it is generally perceived to be, but rather a movement that was essentially manufactured and steered. And a corollary to that would be that for a scene that was supposed to be all about peace, love and understanding, there was a very dark, violent underbelly that this book attempts to expose.”

— David McGowan, author of Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon (2014)

Since 2001, a major proponent of social engineering operating under the slogan “Another World is Possible”, is the Jewish banker-funded World Social Forum (WSF) that is responsible for much of the major social activism — and is a major front of the mass social engineering that we see worldwide.

The WSF (among several sources of funding is supported by a consortium of corporate foundations under the advisory umbrella of Engaged Donors for Global Equity (EDGE) – their goal is to create “forms of international solidarity among progressive movements”.

The neoliberal anti-globalization movements in the WSF are supposedly opposed to Wall Street and the Texas oil giants controlled by Rockefeller, et al. Yet the foundations and charities of Ford, Rockefeller et al will generously fund progressive anti-capitalist networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Wall Street and Big Oil), etc. with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities. In other words, they hope to control and mitigate their opposition — as well as create and fund real opposition for their opponents.

The corporations are funding dissent with a view to controlling dissent and also directing it. The corporations are cherry-picking often well-intentioned people that have misguided worldviews and using them as pawns to further their social engineering agendas.

“The hidden agenda was to weaken and divide the protest movement and orient the anti-globalization movement into areas that would not directly threaten the interests of the business establishment.”

Wake Up World

The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations have big stakes in the WSF, most of the participants are completely unaware that the WSF is funded by corporate foundations including Ford, Rockefeller, Tides, et al.  Much of this funding is channeled to the WSF organizers under the helm of the WSF International Council.

  • At the 2016 WSF event in Montreal on Syria refers to a country “in ruins as a result of a multifaceted  war between the dictatorship of Bashar al Assad and a host of opposition organizations,” echoing almost verbatim the narrative of the mainstream media. The central role of US-NATO in destroying Syria as a sovereign country is not mentioned.

With regard to the Montreal WSF, the Consortium of Donors (EDGE) intent is:

“…to develop an intersectional space for funders and various movement partners – organizers thought leaders and practitioners – to build alignment by cultivating a shared understanding of the visions, values, principles and pathways of a “just transition.” (See http://edgefunders.org/wsf-activities/)

“Just Transition” implies that social activism has to conform to a “shared vision” with the corporate foundations, i.e. nothing which in a meaningful way might upset the elite structures of global capitalism.

  • At the 2013 WSF event in Tunis, the final declaration paid lip service to to the US sponsored “Syrian opposition”.  Similarly the Al Qaeda affiliated Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which allegedly led the “Arab Spring” against the government of Muammar Gaddafi was tacitly upheld as a revolutionary force. Several workshops on  Libya applauded Western military intervention. A session entitled “Libya’s transition to democracy” focused on “whether Libya was better off without Muammar Gaddafi.”

The WSF is a funnel trap for real activists that fall under umbrella organisations that claim to be fighting crony capitalism, but have been paid-off — or misdirected.

The mechanisms of “manufacturing dissent” require a manipulative environment, a process of arm-twisting and subtle co-optation of  a small number of key individuals within “progressive organizations”, including anti-war coalitions, environmentalists and the anti-globalization movement. Many leaders of these organizations have in a sense betrayed their grassroots — taking up the standard of controlled-opposition corporate neoliberalism.

Cultural Marxism pathologizes established structures that the Elites want to dismantle and replace.

Cultural Marxism’s ideas are found in universities across the West.

Writing in 1992 in Fidelio Magazine, The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness Michael Minnicino observed how the heirs of Marcuse and Adorno now completely dominate the universities, ‘teaching their own students to replace reason with ‘Politically Correct’ ritual exercises that attempt to redefine “equality” between certain supposedly “unequal” things, and therefore intends to redefine the polar opposites that justify these calls for such equality.

There are very few theoretical books on arts, letters, or language which do not openly acknowledge their debt to the Frankfurt School. The witch-hunt on today’s campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse’s concept of ‘repressive toleration’, ‘tolerance for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements from the right’, enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School’.

Freudian psychoanalysis was an important influence on critical theory in Cultural Marxism. One example is the influential book The Authoritarian Personality where psychoanalytic ideas are used to pathologize Western love and pride of Christianity, the family, gender roles, and the nation.

The tendency to pathologize opponents as being irrationally sick has continued with, for example, labels such as homophobia and Islamophobia. This is the crux of the Cultural Marxist rationale.

Modern examples of this have set a new precedent, and, with little emphasis on evidence, have called for the “solution” to “society’s problems” to be rolled-out before anyone has reached an agreement and what exactly the problems were to begin with. The social engineers rely on hysteria to make their social engineering successful, rolling out an event and quickly offering a solution without time to think, ratcheting the window of acceptance bit by bit. This works, because if people actually objectively and rationally questioned these new social narratives appearing out of nowhere — nobody would be taking them on board.

There can be no conversation between the organizer and his opponents. The latter must be depicted as being evil. This preserves the former and suppresses the latter.

The use of buzzwords and put-downs in social justice groups suggests that their central ideas will likely buckle under rational scrutiny. The very fact that there is unsolicited animosity implies obscurantism of an idea that cannot hold its own in a rational debate.

Strong ideas and their advocates do not require name-calling and derision to deal with their opposition, because their idea is strong enough that smoke and mirrors are not required. If you were confident or knowledgeable enough in your argument you would not resort to ad hominen or any other avoidance tactics — yet that is exactly what we see on the liberal side of many arguments.

Using “subjectivity” and political correctness as a tool to shutdown discourse.

Cultural-Marxists hide in the nihilist‘s relativity argument, the argument from self-referentialityepistemological and moral relativismpluralismsubjectivism, and irreverence; the denial of objective scientific knowledge, and the attachment of negative social connotations to objective knowledge to render and characterize said knowledge as a pathological “threat”.

The various ideologies originating in the Frankfurt school can (like Marxism and psychoanalysis) be considered pseudosciences with theories that cannot be falsified. Often not replying to the factual arguments of critics, the critics are instead often analyzed with the theories and declared to be sick or having hidden motives (ad hominem). They are often similar to sects with adored and charismatic leaders and cleansing of heretics in the own group with less than orthodox views.

“Nihilism is the philosophical viewpoint that suggests the denial or lack of belief towards the reputedly meaningful aspects of life.”


While social reform is often a positive process based on sound discourse between parties to come to an agreed conclusion, the Cultural Marxist type of reform is weaponized through and through — intended to undermine truly meaningful and substantial structures of human life and society, and not be open to bilateral discussion about such reforms.

Because if everything hinges on subjective personal opinion, then nothing can be objectively held or reasonably conceded, this acts a flotation device to keep the Marxist narrative alive — because without relativity, post-structural arguments would be dead and buried the moment they surfaced under the scrutiny of rationality.

“It’s the individual’s choice to do what they want…”

There’s no denying that individual choice is imperative, but that dodges the essence of the argument — what should an individual do to compromise for the collective? Does it align with emotional self-comfort, rational principles, their ego? From what within or without has persuaded that individual’s choice? How justifiable is it relative to empirically documented science? What is generally held as meaningful by the wider society your ability to make that free choice depends on?

I encourage questioning established norms, but not in the context of the dogmatist revolutionary who does so as a virtue-signalling statement. Unfortunately, many “progressives” fall into the latter definition — thinking in terms of proletariat and bourgeoisie, the oppressed and the oppressor — the victim mentality. Their naivety exploited, they ascribe ‘evil-doer’ and ‘victim’ to the wrong groups, in the process becoming ‘useful idiots’. The people most receptive to these ideas include rejected, insecure, often low income and low status individuals who jump at the opportunity to blame men, the rich and successful, etc, for their problems. The ugly feminist is not a coincidence.

It’s convenient that the Cultural Marxist ideology is a catch-all for the lowest denomination — the intellectually lazy with all their negative qualities are validated and protected by the Marxist social agenda, and they love that, because a healthy society has rejected them, to be told they are valid is a rallying call.

The post-structuralist’s refusal or outright inability to argue on a rational level makes their arguments and mindset very resilient to external probing. The establishment know this, and supports this — the engineered safe-zone, “don’t offend anyone” culture serves to protect this faulty reasoning — notice how protected groups / minorities are nearly always retainers of something beneficial to the post-structuralists — and toxic to wider society, preserving and using toxic personality traits mixed with an ideological proponent is deadly, the elites provide the bullets, and broken, small-minded people fire them. By taking in social outcasts and capitalizing on estranged people, the establishment can corrupt and disenfranchise core society.

Political correctness, as an extension of the “safe zone”,  is another factor of ideological protectionism, shut away from the light of open, rational discourse. The PC culture dictates that all views on equality that disagree with the Cultural Marxist view are to be avoided, censored, and punished.

It’s like a life support for a near-dead corpse. The appeal to emotions, the ego, superiority-inferiority complexes, and the socialist Utopian ideas where “all people are equal” are the modes that inhibit rational discourse on real social issues, they are validated for thinking they are right, they are called “perfect” for their imperfections. It’s a catch for the emotionally weak person with poor self-restraint, someone who wants to blame the world for their problems — we’re hardwired to respond to emotion, not reason — some more than others, funded movements target those most susceptible to this emotional exploitation; many women (due to emotional processing), generally low-IQ people, minority groups, and so on. Wherever society can be categorized and divorced from the central social body — the manipulators strike.

The “social change” is exclusively coming from the corporate establishment.

Follow the trail, it will lead back to an establishment-owned entity every time. Now that we are some forty years into their social engineering programme, individuals have taken on the idea of their own volition, but in the beginning — it came from the establishment.

If this is truly was a new “renaissance” of social justice, it’s not one that is occurring at a grassroots level, the new ideas come from above, the established order, and very few realize that or question the motive for powerful people to push this narrative.

A real renaissance usually comes from below and changes above, and by extension, the whole.

Instead, the modern Marxist “renaissance” was and is totally planned, the social prime movers plant the seed of a false idea — and then watch the effects come into play. Because so much of modern human society is centralized under a few corporations, including most politicians and “influential” people, a mass repetition of these false talking points can be deployed quite easily, an organic, decentralized society is long behind us — human communication, something essential for liberties to be upheld, is now in the hands of a few very powerful people who control the major means of discourse; internet forums, newspapers, media, and so on.

The ruling group doesn’t change, yet everything below changes. This “social change” is change to target groups only.

It is the ruling order changing the ruled, it’s partisan in that the elite don’t change their position as a small circle of dictatorial, patriarchal white males (the very thing their so-called renaissance of social justice criticizes). This suggests that they want to target certain groups with social engineering and spur agitation among people.

Instead of changing entire structure of society — unilaterally, they only change the people’s accepted standards and social structures (common sense structures built upon over millennia) to fit their agenda of control — this can’t be a real renaissance because it doesn’t affect the whole, only the part.

Look to Saudi Arabia where women’s rights are nonexistent, the Jewish elites and their lackeys still do business with the Saudis, yet push the feminist agenda on a domestic level, they advocate mass Islamic immigration knowing that mass-introducing anti-feminist groups will work against progressive ideology, yet the migrant plans go ahead.

The hypocrisy is blatant, and shows they have no interest or faith in the values and principles of their own social justice ideology.

If we look to Israel’s refusal to take in Syrian refugees and expulsion of African migrants, these are other examples of the Jewish establishment’s complete personal disinterest in the very social justice they choose to impose on others — because its a tool to control people, nobody invests money in something because of ethics or “social justice”, the people who have power have seized it and while they call themselves philanthropists — they are really a ruthless corporate cabal, investing in liberal ideas is to ease up the structures and populations that get in the way of their agenda.

Look at how racism rights applies to every race except whites, how “social justice” is entirely conditional, and such cognitive dissonance is not acknowledged by its neoliberal proponents.

Let’s look at the double-think further, there is no social justice stance on Ashkenazi Jews dominating high positions in society, more so than white males. There is not stance on women dominating hairdressing over men. The common sense is right in front of us, so why can’t people join the dots and see that different people have different temperaments? Because the lines between the dots has been deliberately blurred since the false 1960s cultural revolution set the false liberalism in motion.

This could be referred to as a top-down, premeditated “renaissance”, a massive act of social engineering that, only now with the decline of the mainstream voice, is beginning to be somewhat questioned.

Older social movements were much more likely to be genuine, the decentralized state of discourse in societies of the past meant a rallying for social change was less likely to be falsified.

Today, in the Information Age, with the rise of the crisis actor, mainstream media, think-tanks, and many avenues for social manipulation mean that objective, critical thought on an individual basis couldn’t be more crucial for everyone to exercise.

With the proliferation of information and the modes of spread, genuine change is certainly more empowered, but equally are the powers of social engineering.

Polarizing the electorate to justify social justice.

By pushing false narratives of oppression, that the whites are keeping the blacks in poverty (disproved), that men are keeping women in lower paid jobs by the “patriarchy” (again, disproved), and that white people are oppressive and all minorities are exempt from scrutiny — the electorate becomes atomized, one group feels estranged from the next, all vote for the social and political answers to these “problems” put before them.

The false problem has been created, the establishment politician is the solution, appealing to each group and claiming they will fight for “justice” for each given group.

It carves up the electorate and makes each categorical group much easier to sway.

If, on the other hand, all groups were concerned with objective pragmatic social and political solutions, it would be impossible to carve up the electorate through the forces of an appeal to tribalism, because objective thought moves past a divided electorate.

Balkanizing democracy.

Generally, there will always be niche voter preferences from group to group in society, this can become a flaw of democracy, just as much as it represents the individual; the possibility that people vote drastically different from group to group — lacking the collective national vision as seen in ideas such as Benjamin Disraeli’s One-nation conservatism.

“Jewish organizations view white nationalism as their greatest potential threat and they have tended to support pro-black integration (i.e., assimilationist, individualist) policies for blacks in America, presumably because such policies dilute white power and lessen the possibility of a cohesive, nationalist anti-Jewish white majority.” 

— Harold Cruse, a black intellectual.

Until then, the norm was largely conservative values, funded “social revolutions”, known as cultural dialectics, and as aforementioned, are employed ways to artificially shift the Overton window to the position that benefits the elites — money from certain influential figures that lurk behind the scenes has pulled the strings of the social landscape, the power of this new, and aggressively imposed Marxist narrative is even undermining established science.

Jordan B. Peterson made a comment on how the long-held conclusions of common sense have been vilified:

“I have made a strong case, which I think is fully documented by the scientific literature that there are intrinsic differences between men and women […] this is the thing that staggered me, that no serious scientists have debated that, for like four decades. That argument was done by the time I went to graduate school, everyone knew that human beings were not a blank slate, that biological forces parameterized the way that we thought and felt and acted and valued. Everyone knew that. The fact that this has become somehow debatable again, especially as this is being done by legislative fiat, they’re forcing it.” 

Jordan B. Peterson on David Fuller’s “A Glitch in the Matrix” (2018)

As aforementioned, the insider whistle-blower Aaron Russo tells of how the Rockefellers funded Women’s liberation movement, a precursor to the feminism that has upended social integrity today, here’s the video:

What one votes for will differ a bit from another given group, but generally Western nations share the core principles of liberty, nationalism, and constitutionality — and people will tend to vote against their own interests to preserve this. For example, nearly half of “Leave” voters in the recent UK EU referendum voted on the principle “that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK.” The focus is nationalist, rather than globalist.

Third world migrants vote differently. People born overseas will likely vote differently, if their background is not rooted in the nation then the likelihood of them voting against the national interests and core identity are higher.

Democracy works best in essential uniformity, with people voting on principle rather than self-interest. Outside of an enlightened democracy, a democracy becomes fragmentary and too multi-polar.